Ma Yantao, Ph.D., Professor, Chief Physician at Peking University Sixth Hospital, Visiting Professor at King's College London. Appointed as the deputy head of the Bipolar Disorder Group of Chinese Psychiatry Medical Association, the deputy chairman of the Lithium Treatment Working Group of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the deputy head of the Affective Disorder group of the Chinese Research Hospital Association, the standing member of the Psychiatric and psychological Professional Committee of the Chinese non-public Medical Institutions Association, and the member of the Neuroengineering professional committee of the Beijing Neuroscience Society. Also, a research scholar at Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University and a visiting scholar at the Harvard School of Anthropology between 2006 and 2010.
Yantao Ma has been deeply engaged in the field of art and health for a long time. In 2021, she edited and published China's first art and health themed book "Floating Life: Art and Spirit", and in 2022, the album of paintings "Wei Shen - Contemporary Art" was published by Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House. In Chengdu in 2022 and Beijing in 2023, the "Art and Health" Wei Shen Contemporary Art Touring Exhibitions as well as the academic Seminar, and the face-to-face symposium themed on art and health were organized successfully (relevant media reports have been carried out by Science China, China Net, China Net and other media).
中华医学会精神医学分会双相障碍协作组 副组长
中国医师协会精神科分会锂盐治疗工作组 副主委
中国研究型医院学会情感障碍学组 副组长
中国非公立医疗机构协会精神与心理专委会 常委
北京神经科学学会神经工程专业委员会 委员
2020 国家留学基金委 高级访问学者
2017 全国情感障碍大会暨中国神经科学学会 大会论文一等奖
2014 中华医学会 优秀论文一等奖
2014 中华医学会 研究创新二等奖
2012 中华医学会精神医学会 全国优秀论文奖
2011 香港精神医学会 亚太地区莫斯利奖学金
2008 美国精神医学 全球青年科学家奖(中国首位获奖者)
2005-2007 国家留学基金委 访问学者
1、Jerrold Rosenbaum,Maurizio Fava,Albert Yeung,David Mischoulon,Yantao Ma etc,英文版《精神疾病替代治疗》Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 出版社 2007
5、于欣,方贻儒,刘铁榜,马燕桃,汪作为等著《中国双相障碍防治指南第二版》中华医学电子音像出版社 2015
7、韦申,马燕桃著《浮生记:艺术与精神How Art Can Help Mental Health》北京理工大学出版社2021(ISBN:978-7-5763-0394-0)
11、韦申著,马燕桃编.《韦申当代艺术》湖南美术出版社2022(ISBN: 978-7-5356-9783-7)
1. Ma Yantao, Yu Xin. Clinical Features of Bipolar and Unipolar Inpatients. J Chin Mental Health, 2006, 20(6) 144-146
2. Ma Yantao, Yu Xin. Clinical Observation of Lamotrigine in the Treatment of Acute Bipolar Depression. J Chin Mental Health, 2007, 21(11) 768-769
3. Yantao Ma, Albert Yeung, Xin Yu, Maurizio Fava et al. Review: Elderly Depression among Asian Americans; APA Meeting 2007 NR-182.
4. Yeung A, Mischoulon D, Alpert J, Ma YT, Fava M. Acupuncture for Major Depressive Disorder: has its Efficacy been disproved J Clin Psychiatry. 2007 Oct; 68(10):1617-8. PMID: 17960982
5. Ma Yantao, Chen Yufang, Zhong Baoliang, Yu Xin. A Control Study of the Efficacy of Lamotrigine and Lithium Carbonate in the treatment of Bipolar Depression. J Chin New Drugs, 2008, 17(23) 2054-2058
6. Tianmei S, Liang S, Yun'ai S, Chenghua T, Jun Y, Jia C, Xueni L, Qi L, Yantao M, Weihua Z, Hongyan Z. Validity of The Chinese version of the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP) in Patients with Schizophrenia. J Chin Mental Health, 2009; 23(11): 790-794
7. Tianmei S, Liang S, Yun'ai S, Chenghua T, Jun Y, Jia C, Xueni L, Qi L, Yantao M, Weihua Z, Hongyan Z. Validity of The Chinese version of the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP) in Patients with Depression. J Chin Mental Health, 2010, 24(7): 481-485
8. Zhu Yue, Ma Yantao*, Wei Jing, Yu Xin*. Recognition Potency of Three Diagnostic Definitions of Bipolar Disorder in Patients with Current Depression Episode. J Chin Mental Health, 2011, 25(8) 588-593
9. Zhang Lei, Ma Yantao, Li Ruifang, Zhang Weihua, Yu Xin. Objective and Subjective Sleep Quality and Quality of Life in Patients with Chief Complaint of Insomnia, J Chin Mental Health, 2011, 25(10) 746-750
10. Zhao Qing, Ma Yantao, Qu Miao, et al. Prevalent Rate of Neurological Soft Signs in Patients with Depression. J Chin Mental Health, 2012,26(10):731-735
11. Zhu Yue, Ma Yantao, Yu Xin. Neurocognitive Research Progress of Bipolar Disorder. J Int Psychiatry. 2012/1,39(1): 23-27
12. Zhao Q, Ma YT, Lui SS, et al. Neurological soft signs discriminate schizophrenia from major depression but not bipolar disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Jun 3; 43:72-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2012.12.006.
13. Zhu Yue, Ma Yantao*, Shi Chuan, et al. A Comparison of Neurocognitive Function among Patients with Bipolar Depression, Recurrent Unipolar Depression and Schizophrenia. Chin J Psychiatry, 2013/12,46(6) 325-329
14. Ma Yantao, Yu Xin, Wei Jing, et al. Recognition Validity of Bipolarity Specifier for Bipolar Disorder among Patients with Major Depressive Episode: BRIDGE - China. Chin J Psychiatry, 2013/10,46(5) 271-276
15. Zhang Lei, Ma Yantao*, Zhu Yue, et al. Sleep Patterns in Patients with Unipolar or Bipolar Depression. Chin J Psychiatry, 2013/10,46(5) 281-284
16. Li Zhiying, Gao Huimin, Zhu Yue, Ma Yantao*, Yu Xin*. Neurocognitive Functioning in Bipolar I Disorder Patients with Euthymia or Depression Stat. J Chin Ment Health, 2014,28(5)332-338
17. Li Zhiying, Yu Xin*, Ma Yantao, Dang Weimin. The Applicability of Delphy Method in the Evaluation of Bipolarity Index. Chin J Nerv Ment Dis, 2014,40(2)102-105
18. Germaine Fung, Yi Deng, Qing Zhao, Zhi Li, Miao Qu, Ke Li, Ya-wei Zeng, Zhen Jin, Yan-tao Ma,Xin Yu, Zhi-ren Wang, David H. K. Shum,Raymond C. K. Chan* Distinguishing bipolar and major depressive disorders by brain structural morphometry: a pilot study. BMC Psychiatry (2015) 15:298. DOI 10.1186/s12888-015-0685-5
19. Zhou Shuzhe, Dang Weimin, Zhang Guoyi, Zhou Tianhang, Ma Yantao, Yu Xin*, et al. Effects of Different Light on the Ethology and Melatonin Secretion in Depressive Rats. Chin Occup Med, 2016,43(1):8-14
20. Yantao Ma, Huimin Gao, Xin Yu*, Gary Sachs*. Bipolar diagnosis in China: Evaluating diagnostic confidence using the Bipolarity Index. J of Affect Disord. 2016 (202) 247-253. DOI 10.1016/j.jad.2016.05.039.
21. Wang Yumei, Wang Xueyi, Yu Xin, Ma Yantao*. Understanding Bipolar Disorder in the Perspective of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder. Chin J Psychiatry, 2016, 49(05): 337-340. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1006-7884.2016.05.013
22. Ma Yantao, Shao Lei, Yu Xin, Chen Chuqiao, Wang Yi*. Research Progress on the Social Cognitive Function of Bipolar Disorder. Chin J Psychiatry, 2017, 50(02): 146-148
23. Wang Zuowei, Ma Yantao, Chen Jun, Yu Xin, Fang Yiru. Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in China: Evidence Based Selection. Chin J Psychiatry, 2017, 50(02): 96-100
24. Yue Zhu, Wenxiang Quan, Huali Wang, Yantao Ma, Jun Yan, Hua Zhang, Wentian Dong, Xin Yu. Prefrontal activation during a working memory task differs between patients with unipolar and bipolar depression. J Affect Disord. 2017; 225:64-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.07.031.
25. Tian-hang Zhou, Wei-min Dang, Yan-tao Ma, Chang-qing Hu, Ning Wang, Guo-yi Zhang, …Xin Yu*. Clinical Efficacy, Onset Time and Safety of Bright light Therapy in Acute Bipolar Depression as an Adjunctive Therapy: a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Affect Disord. 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.09.038.
26. Zuo-wei Wang, Jun Chen, Hai-chen Yang, Yan-tao Ma, Daniel Meron, Tie-bang Liu, Xin Yu*, Yi-ru Fang*. Assessment and management of bipolar disorder: principal summary of updated Chinese guidelines. Bipolar Disorders. 2018. 10.1111/bdi.12646
27. The Task Force of Bipolar Disorder of the CSP. Clinical Management Suggestion of Bipolar Disorder with Mixed Features. Chin J Psychiatry 2018, 51(2):83-89
28. Yantao Ma, Jun Ji, Yun Huang, Huimin Gao, Zhiying Li, Yue Zhu, Wentian Dong, Weimin Dang, Shuzhe Zhou, Gary Sachs, Xin Yu*. Implementing of Machine learning in Bipolar Diagnosis in China. Transl Psychiatry 2019 doi: 10.1038/s41398-019-0638-8
29. Shi Kuo, Ma Yantao, Kong Qingmei, Yan Jun, Li Bing, Li Xueni, Liang Ying, Cheng Jia, Ma Ning. Mental self-help professional guidance for patients with mental health problems during the COVID-19 epidemic. Chinese Mental Health Journal 2020, 34(3).doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6729.2020.3.023
30. Yun-Si Liang, Han-Xue Yang, Yi-Jing Zhang, Xin-Lu Cai, Yan-Yu Wang, Ke Ni, Cheng-Cheng Pu, Shu-Zhe Zhou, Yan-Tao Ma, Simon S Y Lui, Yi Wang, Xin Yu, Raymond C K Chan. Validation of the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy in patients with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Cogn Neuropsychiatry. 2020 Nov;25(6):466-479. doi: 10.1080/13546805.2020.1846025. Epub 2020 Nov 10.
31. Weimin Dang, Yajuan Xu, Jinming Liu, Jun Ji, Chaonan Feng, Haokui Yu, Wenqiang Wang, Xin Yu, Wentian Dong*, Yantao Ma*. Study of the SCL-90 Scale and the Changes in the Chinese Norms. Front. Psychiatry 11:524395. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.524395
32. 刘金铭, 赵松涛, 纪俊, 王文文, 于滨, 于淏岿, 党卫民, 许雅娟, 王文强, 董问天, 马燕桃*. 适用于体检场景的SCL-90常模变迁研究.精神医学杂志2020年33卷6期. Journal of Psychiatry 2020 (33) 6. DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn. 2095-9346. 2020. 06. 012
33. Yunsi Liang, Shuzhe Zhou, Yijing Zhang, Xinlu Cai, Yi Wang, Eric F. C. Cheung, Simon S. Y., Xin Yu, Kristofer H. Madsen, Yan-tao Ma*, Raymond C. K. Chan*. Altered empathyrelated restingstate functional connectivity in patients with bipolar disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2021. doi.org /10.1007/ s00406-021-01305-4
34. Jingxin Nie, Tianhang Zhou, Zhizhong Chen, Weimin Dang*, Fei Jiao, Jinglin Zhan, Yifan Chen, Yiyong Chen, Zuojian Pan, Xiangning Kang, YongzhiWang, Qi Wang, YanTang, Wentian Dong, Shuzhe Zhou, Yantao Ma, XinYu, Guoyi Zhang & Bo Shen. The effects of dynamic daylightlike light on the rhythm, cognition, and mood of irregular shift workers in closed environment. Scientific Reports (2021)11:13059. doi.org/10.1038/ s41598-021-92438-y
35. Lei Yang, Weimin Dang, Xin Yu, Yi He, Chuan Shi, Jialong Yi, Lu Gao, Siheng Li, Tianhang Zhou, Yantao Ma. Development and Validation of a Self-Administered Screening Test for Betel Quid Use Disorders in Betel Quid Chewers in Hunan, China. International Journal of General Medicine(2022)15:8183-8190. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S386539
36. Yi-jing Zhang, Ying Li, Yong-ming Wang, Shuang-kun Wang, Cheng-Cheng Pu, Shu-Zhe Zhou, Yan-Tao Ma, Yi Wang, Simon S. Y. Lui, Xin Yu & Raymond C. K. Chan. Hub-connected functional connectivity within social brain network weakens the association with real-life social network in schizophrenia patients. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (2022) volume 272, pages 1033–1043
37. 李旸, 周佳, 汪作为, 朱云程, 徐贵云,潘苗, 陈致宇, 李文飞, 焦志安, 李名立, 张勇, 陈景旭, 陈修哲, 李娜, 孙静, 张建, 胡少华, 伍海姗, 甘照宇, 秦研, 王育梅, 马燕桃, 王小平, 李晓虹, 方贻儒. ICD-10与DSM-5诊断双相障碍混合状态的临床表型分析. 中华精神科杂志2023. DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn113661-20230217-00034
38. 李志营, 纪俊, 周书喆, 李嘉琪, 李欣慧, 冯超南, 管丽丽, 马灶晖,马燕桃*. 基于深度学习语音分析的双相障碍患者情绪时相检测. 中华精神科杂志2024年4月第57卷第4期 Chin J Psychiatry, April 2024, Vol.57, No.4
39. Xinyu Meng, Shengmin Zhang, Shuzhe Zhou, Yantao Ma, Xin Yu, Lili Guan*. Putative Risk Biomarkers of Bipolar Disorder in At-risk Youth. Neurosci. Bull. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12264-024-012
40. Ji J, Dong W, Li J, Peng J, Feng C, Liu R, Shi C and Ma Y (2024) Depressive and mania mood state detection through voice as a biomarker using machine learning. Front. Neurol. 15:1394210. doi: 10.3389/fneur. 2024.
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