



杨天佑,男,副主任医师,International Society of Paediatric Surgical Oncology成员

南方医科大学 医学博士
2007/9 - 2010/7,中山大学,外科学,硕士
2002/9 - 2007/7,汕头大学,临床医学,学士







1. Zheng M, Li J, Hu C, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. Staged resection of a bilateral thoracic and bilateral adrenal neuroblastoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. 2020;61:101599.
2. Zheng M, Li J, Hu C, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. Liver biopsy for hepatoblastoma: a single institution's experience. Pediatric surgery international. 2020;36(8):909-15.
3. Whitlock RS, Yang T, Vasudevan SA, Woodfield SE. Animal Modeling of Pediatric Liver Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(2).
4. Pan J, Zhu J, Wang M, Yang T, Hu C, Yang J, et al. Association of MYC gene polymorphisms with neuroblastoma risk in Chinese children: A four-center case-control study. The journal of gene medicine. 2020:e3190.
5. Li J, Li H, Wu H, Niu H, Li H, Pan J, et al. Outcomes of children with hepatoblastoma who underwent liver resection at a tertiary hospital in China: a retrospective analysis. BMC pediatrics. 2020;20(1):200.
6. Yang T, Wen Y, Li J, Yang J, Tan T, Pan J, et al. Association of the TP53 rs1042522 C>G polymorphism and hepatoblastoma risk in Chinese children. Journal of Cancer. 2019;10(15):3444-9.
7. Yang T, Wen Y, Li J, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. NRAS and KRAS polymorphisms are not associated with hepatoblastoma susceptibility in Chinese children. Exp Hematol Oncol. 2019;8:11.
8. Yang T, Wen Y, Li J, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. Association of CMYC polymorphisms with hepatoblastoma risk. Translational Cancer Research. 2019;9(2):849-55.
9. Yang T, Lin S, Xie Q, Ouyang W, Tan T, Li J, et al. Impact of 3D printing technology on the comprehension of surgical liver anatomy. Surg Endosc. 2019;33(2):411-7.
10. Yang T, Li J, Wen Y, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T Polymorphism Impacts Hepatoblastoma Susceptibility in Chinese Children. Front Genet. 2019;10:506.
11. Yang T, Li H, Li J, Wu H, Hu C, Tan T, et al. Surgical risk factors of retroperitoneal teratoma resection in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2019;54(7):1495-9.
12. Liu J, Jia W, Hua RX, Zhu J, Zhang J, Yang T, et al. APEX1 Polymorphisms and Neuroblastoma Risk in Chinese Children: A Three-Center Case-Control Study. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019;2019:5736175.
13. Jiang P, Huang M, Qi W, Wang F, Yang T, Gao T, et al. FUBP1 promotes neuroblastoma proliferation via enhancing glycolysis-a new possible marker of malignancy for neuroblastoma. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR. 2019;38(1):400.
14. Hu C, Yang T, Pan J, Zhang J, Yang J, He J, et al. Associations between H19 polymorphisms and neuroblastoma risk in Chinese children. Bioscience reports. 2019;39(4).
15. Deng J, Jiang P, Yang T, Huang M, Xie J, Luo C, et al. β2??adrenergic receptor signaling promotes neuroblastoma cell proliferation by activating autophagy. Oncol Rep. 2019;42(4):1295-306.
16. Zhuo ZJ, Zhang R, Zhang J, Zhu J, Yang T, Zou Y, et al. Associations between lncRNA MEG3 polymorphisms and neuroblastoma risk in Chinese children. Aging. 2018;10(3):481-91.
17. Zhuo ZJ, Liu W, Zhang J, Zhu J, Zhang R, Tang J, et al. Functional Polymorphisms at ERCC1/XPF Genes Confer Neuroblastoma Risk in Chinese Children. EBioMedicine. 2018;30:113-9.
18. Zhang Z, Chang Y, Jia W, Zhang J, Zhang R, Zhu J, et al. LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T confers neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese population. Bioscience reports. 2018;38(1).
19. Yang T, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. The rs2147578 C > G polymorphism in the Inc-LAMC2-1:1 gene is associated with increased neuroblastoma risk in the Henan children. BMC Cancer. 2018;18(1):948.
20. Yang T, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, Hu C, Li J, et al. The impact of using three-dimensional printed liver models for patient education. The Journal of international medical research. 2018;46(4):1570-8.
21. Yang T, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, Hu C, Li J, et al. Ruptured hepatoblastoma successfully treated with cisplatin monochemotherapy: A case report. Molecular and clinical oncology. 2018;9(2):223-5.
22. Yang T, Lin S, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, Hu C, et al. Impact of 3D Printing Technology on Comprehension of Surgical Anatomy of Retroperitoneal Tumor. World J Surg. 2018;42(8):2339-43.
23. Yang T, Huang Y, Li J, Zhong W, Tan T, Yu J, et al. Neonatal Gastric Perforation: Case Series and Literature Review. World J Surg. 2018;42(8):2668-73.
24. Wu Q, Zhuo ZJ, Zeng J, Zhang J, Zhu J, Zou Y, et al. Association between NEFL Gene Polymorphisms and Neuroblastoma Risk in Chinese Children: A Two-Center Case-Control Study. Journal of Cancer. 2018;9(3):535-9.
25. He J, Zou Y, Liu X, Zhu J, Zhang J, Zhang R, et al. Association of Common Genetic Variants in Pre-microRNAs and Neuroblastoma Susceptibility: A Two-Center Study in Chinese Children. Molecular therapy Nucleic acids. 2018;11:1-8.
26. Zhang Z, Zou Y, Zhu J, Zhang R, Yang T, Wang F, et al. HSD17B12 gene rs11037575 C>T polymorphism confers neuroblastoma susceptibility in a Southern Chinese population. OncoTargets and therapy. 2017;10:1969-75.
27. Zhang Z, Zhang R, Zhu J, Wang F, Yang T, Zou Y, et al. Common variations within HACE1 gene and neuroblastoma susceptibility in a Southern Chinese population. OncoTargets and therapy. 2017;10:703-9.
28. Yang T, Yang J, Tan T, Pan J, Hu C, Zou Y. Pneumatosis intestinalis. Archives of disease in childhood. 2017;102(1):4.
29. Yang T, Yang J, Tan T, Pan J, Hu C, Li J, et al. The Many Presentations of Pneumomediastinum. Global pediatric health. 2017;4:2333794x17744949.
30. Yang T, Huang Y, Xu T, Tan T, Yang J, Pan J, et al. Surgical management and outcomes of ganglioneuroma and ganglioneuroblastoma-intermixed. Pediatric surgery international. 2017;33(9):955-9.
31. Pan J, Zou Y, Li L, Yang TY, Yang JL, Hu C. Clinical and imaging differences between neonates and children with pyriform sinus fistula: which is preferred for diagnosis, computed tomography, or barium esophagography? J Pediatr Surg. 2017;52(11):1878-81.
32. He J, Zou Y, Wang T, Zhang R, Yang T, Zhu J, et al. Genetic Variations of GWAS-Identified Genes and Neuroblastoma Susceptibility: a Replication Study in Southern Chinese Children. Translational oncology. 2017;10(6):936-41.
33. He J, Wang F, Zhu J, Zhang Z, Zou Y, Zhang R, et al. The TP53 gene rs1042522 C>G polymorphism and neuroblastoma risk in Chinese children. Aging. 2017;9(3):852-9.
34. Zheng J, Zhang R, Zhu J, Wang F, Yang T, He J, et al. Lack of Associations between XPC Gene Polymorphisms and Neuroblastoma Susceptibility in a Chinese Population. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:2932049.
35. Zhang R, Zou Y, Zhu J, Zeng X, Yang T, Wang F, et al. The Association between GWAS-identified BARD1 Gene SNPs and Neuroblastoma Susceptibility in a Southern Chinese Population. International journal of medical sciences. 2016;13(2):133-8.
36. Yang T, Yang J, Li J, Pan J, Zou Y. An unusual cause of shortness of breath in a young boy. Thorax. 2016;71(8):772-3.
37. Yang T, Li J, Yang J, Pan J, Zhang M, Zou Y. The Whirl Sign and Small Intestinal Volvulus. J Pediatr. 2016;173:265-.e1.
38. He J, Zhong W, Zeng J, Zhu J, Zhang R, Wang F, et al. LMO1 gene polymorphisms contribute to decreased neuroblastoma susceptibility in a Southern Chinese population. Oncotarget. 2016;7(16):22770-8.
39. He J, Zhang R, Zou Y, Zhu J, Yang T, Wang F, et al. Evaluation of GWAS-identified SNPs at 6p22 with neuroblastoma susceptibility in a Chinese population. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine. 2016;37(2):1635-9.
40. He J, Yang T, Zhang R, Zhu J, Wang F, Zou Y, et al. Potentially functional polymorphisms in the LIN28B gene contribute to neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese children. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. 2016;20(8):1534-41.
41. He J, Wang F, Zhu J, Zhang R, Yang T, Zou Y, et al. Association of potentially functional variants in the XPG gene with neuroblastoma risk in a Chinese population. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. 2016;20(8):1481-90.
42. Yang T, Pan J, Zou Y. Obstructive Jaundice Caused by Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Common Bile Duct. J Pediatr. 2015;167(5):1168-8.e1.
43. Yang T, Li L, Zou Y. Endoscopic pyloromyotomy for congenital pyloric stenosis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015;82(4):766.
44. Cai J, Li R, Xu X, Zhang L, Wu S, Yang T, et al. URGCP promotes non-small cell lung cancer invasiveness by activating the NF-κB-MMP-9 pathway. Oncotarget. 2015;6(34):36489-504.
45. Yang T, Xie Q, Liang Q, Xu Y, Su C. Two-stage repair with long channel technique for primary severe hypospadias. Urology. 2014;84(1):198-201.
46. Yang T, Zhang L, Su C, Li Z, Wen Y. Modified penoplasty for concealed penis in children. Urology. 2013;82(3):697-700.


2019年1月-2020年1月Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine


2018年12月-至今广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 小儿外科副主任医师
2017年2月-2018年11月广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 小儿外科主治医师
2015年7月-2016年7月广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 小儿外科住院总医师
2010年7月-2017年2月广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 小儿外科医师


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