“Belfer-Shen Award for Outstanding Young Pediatrician”奖
1.孙琦,刘锦纷,孙彦隽,张海波,郑景浩,王伟,张玉奇 ,肌部室间隔缺损镶嵌治疗的导引钢丝定位和输送装置,2019.6.28,中国,201820051195.6;
2. 孙琦,刘锦纷,孙彦隽,张海波,郑景浩,前外侧小切口心脏手术动、静脉插管专用持管钳,2019.4.28,中国,201820050821.X;
3.孙琦,刘锦纷,孙彦隽,张海波,郑景浩,王伟,张玉奇 ,肺动脉瓣扩张设备,2018.12.5,中国,201720835293.4;
4. 孙琦,刘金龙,孙彦隽,刘锦纷,朱丽敏,徐维虹,一种延迟关胸皮肤切口密封及引流装置,2014.12.17,中国,201420456811.8;
8. 刘锦纷,孙彦隽,仇黎生,孙琦,洪海筏,一种胸骨支撑器,2013.1.16,中国,201220266088.8。
[1] Qi Sun(#), Jinlong Liu(#), Haibo Zhang, Jinghao Zheng, Haifa Hong, Yanjun Sun, Huiwen Chen and Jinfen Liu(*),Qian Wang, Yingzheng Liu. Influence of exercise on three types of Fontan modifications: comparison by numerical simulations. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 14(1) :1450007 (16 pages) ,2014 (SCI收录)
[2] Qi Sun(#), Jinlong Liu(#), Yi Qian, Haibo Zhang, Qian Wang, Yanjun Sun, Haifa Hong and Jinfen Liu(*). Computational Hemodynamic Analysis of Patient-specific Virtual Operations for Total Cavopulmonary Connection with Dual Superior Venae Cavae. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery. 45(3):564-569,2014 (SCI收录)
[3] Jinlong Liu(#), Qi Sun, Haifa Hong, Yanjun Sun, Jinfen Liu(*), Yi Qian, Qian Wang, Mitsu Umezu,. Medical Image-based Hemodynamic Analysis for Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 15(3): 1550035 (16 pages),2015 (SCI收录)
[4] Jinlong Liu(#), Yi Qian(*), Qi Sun, Jinfen Liu, and Mitsuo Umezu, Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Estimate Hemodynamic Effects of Respiration on Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Surgery: Total Cavopulmonary Connection Treatments. The Scientific World Journal.2013:131597,2013 (SCI收录)
[5] Qi Sun(#), Jinlong Liu, Yi Qian, Haifa Hong and Jinfen Liu(*). Using of Porous Portion to Simulate Pulmonary Resistance in the Computational Fluid Dynamic Models of Fontan Connection, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 3-7 July,2013, 481-484 , Osaka, Japan, 2013 (国际会议,IEEE收录)
[6] Jinlong Liu(#), Qi Sun, Yi Qian, Haifa Hong, Jinfen Liu(*). Numerical Simulation and Hemodynamic Analysis of the Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 3-7 July, 2013, 207-710 , Osaka,Japan,2013 (国际会议,IEEE收录)
[7] Jinlong Liu(#), Qi Sun, Mitsuo Umezu, Yi Qian, Haifa Hong, Zhou Du, Qian Wang, Yanjun Sun and Jinfen Liu(*), Influence of Conduit Angles on Hemodynamics of Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt: Computational Analysis of Patient-specific Virtual Procedures, Life System Modeling and Simulation Communications in Computer and Information Science, 20-23 Sep,2014, 461:62-71, Shanghai, 2014 (EI/ISTP 收录)
[8] Jinlong Liu(#), Qi Sun, Yi Qian, Haifa Hong, Zhou Du, Qian Wang, Yanjun Sun, Jinfen Liu(*),Hemodynamic Analysis of Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt: Effects of Anastomosis Angle of the Conduit on Pulmonary Flow,The 2014 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2014) and the 2014 7th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2014), 14-16 Oct,2014, Dalian, 2014 (EI/ISTP/ IEEE 收录)
[9] Weimin Zhang(#), Jinlong Liu(#), Qi Sun, Haifa Hong, Xiongqi Peng, Qian Wang, Lu Han, Le Mao, Qin Yan(*), Long-term Hemodynamic Effects of Artery Banding on Patient-specific Pulmonary Flow, The 2014 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2014) and the 2014 7th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2014), 14-16 Oct,2014, Dalian, 2014 (EI/ISTP/ IEEE 收录)
[10] Le Mao(#), Jinlong Liu, Haifa Hong, Qi Sun, Qian Wang,Junrong Huang, Jinfen Liu, Zhongqun Zhu(*), Hemodynamic Analysis of Surgical Correction for Patient-specific Aortic Coarctation with Aortic Arch Hypoplasia by End-to-side Anastomosis,The 2014 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2014) and the 2014 7th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2014), 14-16 Oct,2014, Dalian, 2014 (EI/ISTP/ IEEE 收录)
[11] (#), Hong H, Zhu Z, Lu Y, Sun Q, Liu Y, Liu J(*). Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. Extracardiac Fontan with direct cavopulmonary connections: midterm results. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery. (43):318-323,2013 (SCI 收录)
[12] Qi Sun(#), Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu(*) et al. Influence of antegrade pulmonary blood flow on the hemodynamic performance of bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis: A numerical study. Medical Engineering & Physics. (31):227-233,2009 (SCI收录)
[13] 孙琦(#),孙彦隽,万大伟, 刘锦纷(*),洪海筏,王谦,刘应征,曹兆敏.计算流体力学模拟在功能性单心室患儿虚拟Fontan手术中的应用.中华小儿外科杂志.2009,30(9):593-596.
[14] 孙琦(#),刘锦纷(*).计算流体力学在Fontan手术循环血流模拟中的应用.中华胸心血管外科杂志.2009,25(6):419-420.
[15] Qi Sun(#), Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu(*) et al. Patient-specific computational fluid dynamic simulation of a bilateral bidirectional Glenn connection. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. (46): 1153-1159,2008 (SCI 收录)
[16] Qi Sun(#), Dawei Wan, Jinfen Liu(*) et al. Numerical Simulation of A Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Anastomosis Connection with Antegrade Pulmonary Blood Flow. IFMBE Proceedings. (19):139-142,2008(ISTP收录)
[17] WAN Da-wei(#), SUN Qi, LIU Ying-zheng(*) et al. The Effects of Stenosis on the Hemodynamics within Pulmonary Artery Models: Numerical Simulation Studies. Journal of System Simulation. 20(19):5320-5323,2008. (EI收录)
[18] 万大伟(#),孙琦,刘应征(*)等.人体主动脉弓内全三维血流动力学数值分析.医用生物力学. 23(4):279-283,2008.
[19] 万大伟(#),孙琦,刘应征(*)等.双侧双向Glenn手术的全三维血液动力学数值分析.生物医学工程研究. 27(2):79-83,2008.
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