





发表者:孙希文 人已读

Xiwen Sun

Yang Pu District Shanghai; fk_sxw@163.com


Professorin Medical imaging and Nuclear Medicines at Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital affiliated to Tongji University.


Shanghai MedicalUniversity Shanghai

PhD Medical imaging and Nuclear medicine May1997

HarbinMedical University Shanghai

MD Medical imaging and Nuclear medicine May 1993

Work Experience

Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. Jan 2004– Oct2018

·Director atRadiologyDepartment

Huadong Hospital Jan 1998– Dec 2003

·Vice Director atRadiologyDepartment



36.Yanqing Chena,1 , Yang Yangb,1 , Longbai Maa,1 , Huiyuan Zhuc , Tienan Fengd , Sen Jiangb , Youyong Weia , Tingting Wangb , Xiwen Sunb,⁎Prediction of EGFR mutations by conventional CT-features in advanced pulmonary adenocarcinoma Yanqing ,⁎European Journal of Radiology2019,112:45-51 IF=2.843


35.YunlangShe, LeiZhang, HuiyuanZhu, ChenyangDai, DongXie , HuikangXie, WeiZhang, LilanZhao, LilingZou, KeFei, XiwenSun, ChangChen.The predictive value of CT-based radiomics in differentiating indolent from invasive lung adenocarcinoma in patients with pulmonary nodules.European radiology, 2018,28(12):5121-5128 .IF=4.027


34.Preeti Hamal,XiwenSun,Yali Wang,Huiyuan Zhu,Ashish Kumar Pradhan.splenic metastases from primary lung cancer on magnetic resonance imaging(MRI): a retrospective study.Biomedical Letters,2017,3(1):17-22

33.Huiyuan Zhu, Lian Zhang,Xiwen SUN.Improved image quality and diagnostic potential using ultra-high-resolution computed tomography of the lung with small scan FOV: A prospective study.Plos ONEFebruary 23, 2017,12(2) :e0172688 IF=2.766


32.Kanchan Labh, Xiwen Sun*.Various Manifestation of Central Nervous System Tuberculosis: A Review.

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31.MAO H, LABH K, HAN F,SUNX,et al.Diagnosis of the invasiveness of lung adenocarcinoma manifesting as ground glass opacities on high-resolution computed tomography [J]. Thoracic cancer, 2016, 7(1): 129-35. IF=2.569

30.Luo L,Li B,Chu H,Sun X,et al. Characterization of mycobacterium abscessus subtypes in shanghai of china: drug sensitivity and bacterial epidemicity as well as clinical manifestations.Medicine .2016 , 95(3):2338-2344,IF=1.014


29.MA J, ZHU XH, SUN XW, et al.Atypical Computed Tomography Manifestations of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis[J]. Journal of medical imaging and health informatics . 2015, 5(5):1001-1006 IF=0.877

28.CHU H, LI B, ZHAO L ,SUN X,et al. Chest imaging comparison between non-tuberculous and tuberculosis mycobacteria in sputum acid fast bacilli smear-positive patients[J]. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2015, 19(13): 2429-2439IF=1.575

27.CHU H, LI B, ZHAO L,SUN X, et al. Tree-in-bud pattern of chest CT images for diagnosis of Mycobacterium abscesses [J]. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 2015, 8(10): 18705-12.IF=1.069

26.XING Y, LI Z, JIANG S,SUN XWet al.Analysis of pre-invasive lung adenocarcinoma lesions on thin-section computerized tomography [J]. The clinical respiratory journal, 2015, 9(3): 289-96. IF=2.147

25.Fu-Shi Han, Bo-Han Cui, Xiao-Fang You,Xi-Wen Sun.Anti-proliferation and radiosensitization effects of chitooligosaccharides on human lung cancer line HepG2.Asian Pac J Trop Med. 2015; 8(9): 757–761, IF=0.841


24.Wenjing Xiang, Yanfen Xing, Sen Jiang, Gang Chen, Haixia Mao, Kanchan Labh, Xiaoli Jia,Xiwen Sun. Morphological factors differentiating between early lung adenocarcinomas appearing as pure ground-glass nodules measuring < 10 mm on thin-section computed tomography.Cancer Imaging,2014.14:33.IF=1.47

23.Jie B, Sun XW, Yu D, Jiang S.Bilateral subclavian origin of the bronchial arteries combined with absence of other origins.Surg Radiol Anat. 2014 Aug;36(6):607-11. doi: 10.1007/s00276-013-1202-5. Epub 2013 Sep 12.

22.Yu D, Sun XW, Chen C, Jie B, Jiang S.Endovascular coil embolization of a costocervical trunk pseudoaneurysm after bullectomy with pleural abrasion.Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2014 Jan;48(1):74-6. doi: 10.1177/1538574413502550. Epub 2013 Sep 16.

21.Jiang S, Sun XW, Jie B, Yu D.Endovascular embolization of an aberrant bronchial artery originating from the vertebral artery in a patient with massive hemoptysis.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2014 Aug;37(4):1099-102. doi: 10.1007/s00270-013-0778-9.

20.Li X,Chen C,Xu J,Liu J1,Yi X1,Sun X,Shi J.Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia and usual interstitial pneumonia: comparison of the clinicopathologic features and prognosis.J Thorac Dis.2014 Oct;6(10):1476-81.

19.Chu H, Zhao L, Xiao H, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Gui T, Gong S, Xu L,Sun X.Prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients with bronchiectasis: a meta-analysis.Arch Med Sci. 2014 Aug 29;10(4):661-8. IF=1.969

18. Feng T,Sun X, Niu W, Wu H, Jiang C Evaluation of an Intervention to Improve Skills in Diagnostic Radiology of Rural Physicians over One Year in Four Rural Hospitals. PLoS ONE (2014); 9(4)IF=2.806


17.Jiang S, Sun XW, Yu D, Jie B.Endovascular embolization of bronchial artery originating from the upper portion of aortic arch in patients with massive hemoptysis.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2014 Feb;37(1):94-100. doi: 10.1007/s00270-013-0638-7. Epub 2013 May 15.


16.Sen Jiang, Xi-Wen Sun, Dong Yu, Bing Jie. Aberrant left inferior bronchial artery originating from the left gastric artery in a patient with acute massive hemoptysis. CARDIOVASC INTERVENT RADIOL, Dec.2012.

15.Chen, Yan-Qing; Yang, Yang; Xing, Yan-Fen; Jiang, Sen;*Sun, Xi-Wen, Detection of Rib Metastases in Patients with Lung Cancer: A Comparative Study of MRI, CT and Bone Scintigraphy, PLOS ONE, 7(12), 2012/12/27.IF=2.806

14.Chu, Haiqing; Zhao, Lan; *Zhang, Zhemin; Gui, Tao; Yi, Xianghua;Sun, Xiwen, Clinical characteristics of amyloidosis with isolated respiratory system involvement: A review of 13 cases, ANNALS OF THORACIC MEDICINE, 7(4), pp 243-249, 2012/12OCT-DEC.

13.Chu, Haiqing; *Yi, Xianghua; Zhao, Lan; Gui, Tao; Fang, Xia;Sun,Xiwen, Atypical lung parenchymal bronchogenic cyst complicated by tuberculosis infection, CANADIANRESPIRATORY JOURNAL, 19(5), pp 301-302, 2012/10SEP-OCT.


12.Mao, Ling; Laney, A. Scott; Wang, Mei Lin; Sun, Xiwen; Zhou, Shaowei; Shi, Jin; Shi, Haiyan, Comparison of Digital Direct Readout Radiography with Conventional Film-screen Radiography for the Recognition of Pneumoconiosis in Dust-exposed Chinese Workers, Journal of Occupational Health, 53(5), pp 320-326, 2011/9.

11.Jiang, Sen; Shi, Jing-Yun; Zhu, Xiao-Hua; Chen, Chang; Sun, Xi-Wen; Yu, Dong; Jie, Bing, Endovascular Embolization of the Complete Type of Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to Normal Basal Lung Segments A Report of Four Cases and Literature Review, Chest, 139(6), pp 1506-1513, 2011/6.

10.Peichun Yu, Hao Xu, Ying Zhu, Chao Yang, Xiwen Sun and Jun Zhao. An Automatic Computer-Aided Detection Scheme for Pneumoconiosis on Digital Chest Radiographs. Journal of Digital ImagingJune 2011, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp 382-393


9.Sun Xi-wen, Chen Shu-zhen. Characterization of pancreatic metastases from primary lung cancer using magnetic resonance imaging,clinimag. 2010,34(5)351-354

8.Thiruvenkadam, S. ; Raja, A. ; Xu, H. ; XiWen Sun ; Ling Mao.A region based active contour method for x-ray lung segmentation using prior shape and low level features,Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on.14-17 April 2010,892 - 895


7.Peichun Yu ,Jun Zhao, Hao Xu, Chao Yang, Xiwen Sun. Computer Aided Detection for Pneumoconiosis Based on Histogram Analysis. 2009 First International Conference on Information Science and Engineering. Nanjing, Jiangsu China

6.Xing-Sheng Liu, Sheng-Dong Nie, Xi-Wen Sun. An Enhancement Method for Small Brain Metastases in T1w MRI. 2009 Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Tianjin, China. fskd, vol. 1, pp.416-419,


5.Fengjie Yao Xiwen Sun Shengdong Nie Zhaoxue Chen . Pulmonary Parenchyma Segmentation in CT Image Based on Improved Fast Marching Method. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2008. ICBBE 2008. The 2nd International Conference on Issue Date: 16-18 May 2008 On page(s): 2530 - 2532 Location: Shanghai


4.Zhaoxue Chen Xiwen Sun Shengdong Nie . An Efficient Method of Automatic Pulmonary Parenchyma Segmentation in CT Images Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007. EMBS 2007. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Issue Date: 22-26 Aug. 2007 On page(s): 5540 - 5542 Location: Lyon ISSN: 1557-170X


3.Xiwen Sun, Xiaochu Zhang , Xiangchuan Chen , Peng Zhang , Min Bao, Daren Zhang , Jing Chen, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu. Age-dependent brain activation during forward and backward digit recall revealed by fMRI., Neuroimage,2005,26:36-47,IF=5.835


2.Daren Zhang, Xiaochu Zhang, Xiwen Sun, Zhihao Li, Zhaoxin Wang, Sheng He, Xiaoping Hu.Cross-modal Temporal Order Memory for Auditory Digits and Visual Locations: An fMRI Study. HUM-BRAIN-MAPP,2004,22:280-289

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