发表者:张还添 人已读
Why you have to take it seriously when you sprained your ankle?
机缘巧合,最近看了迪士尼影业出品的3D动画片《疯狂动物城》,感触良多。影片以幽默风趣、美式特有的幽默淋漓尽致地描绘了一个“梦中之梦”,通过影片大力宣扬了努力、诚信、勇敢、拼搏等“正能量”。其主题曲《Try everything》更是以轻快、活泼的旋律震撼我心。仔细听听里面的歌词,的确包含着不少人生道理。比如,I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground, I always get up now to see what's next. Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up (人与小鸟儿都是大自然产物,鸟儿有低飞及高翔,人生亦应该如此——尽管不断跌倒、不断摔跟头,你应该爬起来看看下一步该怎么走…) 。更重要的,you have to try everything even you know you will fail.
这个图片大家熟悉吧?猜猜我准备说啥?显而易见,这个小灰兔是踩到别人脚上啦,明确诊断“Ankle Sprained”。那么,我们来看看最新美版教科书怎么解释这个看似好牛的词汇。
Ankle sprains are one of the most common sports injuries (最常见的运动损伤之一啊,打篮球、打羽毛球的哥们及MM们注意啦). They often occur when playing sports that call for quick changes of direction, trying to keep your balance on an uneven surface or landing on another player’s foot(你没看错,小灰兔就是踩到狐狸“尾巴”). Your foot may roll over and you feel a sharp pain on the outside of your ankle. Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments around the ankle get stretched or torn(韧带损伤哦,伤筋动骨100天). They commonly occur on the lateral (outside) ankle and are accompanied by pain, swelling, bruising, and stiffness(外踝扭伤最常见,当然不说你都知道临床症状啦,考试是选择题).
不怕一万怕万一,万一真的扭到踝关节啦,怎么办?你可不想这样!(Although you may have big---big breast muscle)
主动出击,正面应对,足够重视是良策。Treating your sprained ankle properly may prevent chronic pain and instability(假如你听到突然砰的一声,my god,完蛋啦。不要以为你穿着新球鞋很帅,不要以为你球鞋护踝很高继续装帅,扭到的那一刻就不能再打喽~). For a Grade I sprain, follow the R.I.C.E. guidelines(对于轻度踝关节扭伤,赶紧使用“大米”原则,不懂这个原则赶紧学哦,每天吃饭前背一背):
Rest your ankle by not walking on it(尽量少走路,这个时候是休息的最好时机啊,虽然不像小时候可以骑在老爸肩膀上). Limit weight bearing. Use crutches if necessary; if there is no fracture you are safe to put some weight on the leg. An ankle brace often helps control swelling and adds stability while the ligaments are healing(肿胀及关节稳定是关键).
Ice it to keep down the swelling(24小时内冰敷,可有效减少出血引起的局部肿胀). Don't put ice directly on the skin (use a thin piece of cloth such as a pillow case between the ice bag and the skin) and don't ice more than 20 minutes at a time to avoid frost bite(冰冻三尺非一日之寒,最好用冰袋,每次不超过20分钟,否则寒气逼人,要用九阳神功才能解毒的,信不信由你).
Compressioncan help control swelling as well as immobilize and support your injury(适当的弹力绷带固定也有效,但是要注意松紧度,缠绕太紧影响肢体远端血运会让你变成大头儿子).
Elevate the foot by reclining and propping it up above the waist or heart as needed(抬高患肢,这个也是减轻肿胀的法宝).
Swelling usually goes down with a few days(通常肿胀几天就消失啦).
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