





发表者:李明省 人已读

From the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery

Factors predicting failure of retrieval of inferior vena cava filters



Katherine L. Morrow. MS. James Bena, Ms, Sean P. Lyden. MD, Ezequiel Paradi, MD, and Christopher J. Smolock, MD, Cleveland. Ohiof


Objective: Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters have been commonly used to prevent pulmonary embolism in patients with deep vein thrombosis. However, IVC filters have been associated with risks, including IVC perforation, filter migration, fracture, and thrombosis. Filter retrieval has not always been successful. Our objective was to identify the factors associated with failure of retrieval of IVC filters.


Methods: The present study was an institutional review board-approved retrospective medical record review of patients who had undergone IVC filter retrieval attempts at the Department of Vascular Surgery at Cleveland Clinic from 2011 to 2018. The patients were identified by International Classification of Diseases code query, and data were gathered regarding demographics, filter position, procedure details, and patient outcomes. Computed tomography imaging and venography was used to determine the IVC filter location before retrieval.


Results: We identified 295 filter retrieval attempts in 294 patients. No procedural IVC ruptures, morbidity, or mortality occurred. Retrieval was successful for 249 filters (84.4%). The median filter dwell time was 196 days for the successful retrievals compared with 375 days for the failed retrieval attempts (P=.004). Penetration of the filter tines through the caval wall occurred in 291 filters (98.6%). However, the hook/apex (HA) of 31 filters (10.5%) had become embedded or had penetrated through the caval wall. The hook/apex and collar (HA+C) of 33 filters (11.2%) were embedded or had penetrated through the caval wall. The failure rate of filter retrieval with the HA embedded was 48.4% (15 of 31). The failure rate with the HA+C embedded was 66.7% (22 of 33). Finally, the failure rate for filters without these issues was 3.9% (9 of 231). The failure rate for HA and HA+C was greater than that for those without these issues (P < .001) but did not differ between the two issues (P =.14). Among those with computed tomography scans, the association of any portion of the filter with other adjacent retroperitoneal structures was not related to an increased rate of retrieval failure (P=.16). Complex retrieval methods involving endobronchial forceps, ballooning, or snaring the collar of the filter was associated with increased retrieval failure compared with simple retrieval involving snaring the hook of the filter (P < .001). The failure rates decreased over time (P=.004). Of the patients with failed retrieval attempts, 8% experienced subsequent venous thromboembolism.

结果:共294例患者接受了295次滤器(尝试)取出术,无操作相关的滤器断裂、医源性损伤或患者死亡,249个滤器被成功回收(84.4%)。成功取出的滤器体内停留平均时间为196天,在研究时段内未能取出者平均置入时间为375天(P=0.004)。发现291个滤器(98.6%)的滤齿穿透腔静脉壁,但是只有31个滤器(0.5%)的回收钩/顶端(HA)嵌入或穿透下腔壁。33个滤器(11.29%)的回收钩/顶点和领口部(HA+C)嵌入或穿透管腔壁。回收钩/顶端(HA)嵌入的滤器回收失败率为48.4%(5 / 31)。回收钩/顶端及领口部同时嵌入血管壁(HA+C)的失败率为66.7%(33例中有22例)。最后,没有这些问题的滤器回收失败率是3.9%(9/231)。存在HA和HA+C嵌入的回收失败率比没有这些问题的过滤器的失败率大(P< .001),但HA和HA+C之间没有统计学差异(P=.14)。CT扫描发现滤器的任一部分与其邻近的腹膜后结构的相对位置关系与回收失败率增加无关(P=.16)。与标准的圈套滤器取出钩相比应用活检钳、球囊剥离及圈套器圈套滤器衣领部等方法的应用与高更高的回收失败率正相关 (P < 0.01)。回收失败率随着时间推移会下降(P < 0.04),8%滤器回收失败的患者后续并发了血栓栓塞事件。

Conclusions: Retrieval should be attempted for all IVC filters, irrespective of the chronicity and complexity, given the procedural safety. Tine penetration was nearly ubiquitous; however, IVC filters with the HA or HA+C imbedded into or penetrating through the caval wall was a predictor of retrieval failure.


Keywords: Deep vein thrombosis; Vena cava filter; Hook/apex and collar; Inferior vena cava; Pulmonary embolism


Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters have been commonly used to prevent pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), despite inconclusive evidence regarding the overall effects on morbidity and mortality posed by these devices. Although IVC filters have been shown to decrease the risk of PE in patients with a contraindication to anticoagulation, filters have also been associated with a range of risks, including IVC perforation, filter migration, fracture, and thrombosis. At present, no clinical practice guidelines are available regarding the optimal timeline for filter retrieval. The rates of filter retrieval attempts have varied widely in the reported studies, and when retrieval has been attempted has not always been successful. The retrieval attempt rates appear to have been increasing modestly over time but have remained lower than the ideal. Although filter retrieval failure has been associated with an increased filter dwell time, the effect of the filter position relative to the caval wall and surrounding structures has not been fully elucidated. Thus, the objective of the present study was to identify the factors associated with failure to retrieve IVC filters.



The present study was a retrospective medical record review of all patients who had undergone IVC filter retrieval attempts at the Department of Vascular Surgery at Cleveland Clinic from July 2011 through June 2018. The institutional review board approved the present study and allowed for a waiver of informed consent owing to the minimal risk posed to the patients. The patients were identified by International Classification of Disease code query, and patient data were gathered from the electronic medical records. The data collected from the patients’ medical records included demographics, medical history, indication for filter placement, filter type, history of filter thrombosis, institution of filter placement (Cleveland Clinic or outside hospital), filter dwell time, American Society of Anesthesiologists class at the retrieval attempt, and retrieval method (eg, snaring the filter hook or more complex methods such as endobronchial forceps or ballooning).


Computed tomography (CT) and venography were used to determine the IVC filter location before the retrieval attempt. The filter hook/apex (HA) and collar (HA+C) were determined to be intraluminal, within the caval wall, or penetrating through the caval wall (Fig 1).The filter tines were also assessed to determine whether they were intraluminal or whether any of the tines of a given filter had penetrated through the caval wall. Filter association with adjacent structures such as bowel or the spinal column was determined (Fig 2). Additionally, patency of the IVC was categorized as either<50%>50% stenosed,oroccluded. Imaging studies after filter retrieval were reviewed to determine whether any portion of the filter had been left behind in the patient. Simple filter retrieval was defined as snaring the hook of the filter. In contrast, complex retrieval was defined as any combination of the following: snaring the collar of the filter, using a balloon to dislodge the filter, and/or using endobronchial forceps to retrieve the filter (Fig 3).


Continuous measures are summarized using the mean ± standard deviation or median and quartiles, according to whether the measures were normally distributed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Categorical factors are described using frequencies and percentages. Comparisons of the risk factors for retrieval success were evaluated using the Pearson X2 test for categorical factors and the Kruskal-Wallis test or analysis of variance models for non-normally distributed and normally distributed continuous measures, respectively. Odds ratios for retrieval success with 95% confidence intervals are also presented for each risk factor. Given that only one patient had had multiple filters, no correction for correlation of the responses within the patients was used. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software, version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A significance level of P < .05 was assumed for all tests.

使用标准差或中位数和四分位数描述连续测量值,用Shapiro-Wilk检验测量值是否正态分布,分类变量用频率和百分比来描述。用Pearson-X2检验滤器回收成功的危险因素的分类变量,用Kruskal-Wallis检验非正态分布和正态分布回收成功的危险因素的连续变量。对于每个风险因素,也给出了95%置信区间的回收成功的优势比。考虑到只有一名患者有多个滤器,没有对患者间不同反应进行比较。使用SAS软件9.4版(SAS Institute,Cary,NC)进行统计分析。所有试验的显著性水平均假定为P<.05。


l Type of Research: Single-center, retrospective cohort study

l Key Findings: The retrieval failure rate of 295 inferior vena cava filters in 294 patients for filters with the hook/apex penetrating through the caval wall was 48.4% (15 of 31), with hook/apex and collar penetration through the caval wall was 66.7% (22 of 33), and without these issues was 3.9% (9 of 231).

l Take Home Message: Inferior vena cava filters with the hook/apex or hook/apex and collar penetrating through the caval wall had increased rates of retrieval failure. Filter tine penetration into adjacent structures did not significantly affect the retrieval failure rates.






图1. 滤器相对于血管壁的位置。A,滤器取出钩和衣领部进入血管壁,滤器齿穿透腔静脉壁。B,回收钩,领口部和滤齿穿透腔静脉管壁




图3. 下腔静脉滤器取出技术:A、圈套住滤器回收钩;B、用球囊将滤器从腔壁分离;C、用支气管内镜活检钳取出滤器。


A total of 295 filter retrieval attempts in 294 patients were identified. The patient demographic data and medical comorbidities are summarized in Tables I and II. Female gender was associated with increased retrieval failure (P=.049); however, race (P=.48) and age (P=.62) were not. The only medical comorbidity we found associated with an increased risk of retrieval failure was hypercoagulability (P=.024).


The vast majority of filters were temporary (n=282; 95.6%), with the remainder permanent (Table III). Retrieval was successful for 249 of the filters (84.4%). Retrieval success was greater for the temporary filters (85.5%) than for the permanent filters (61.5%; P=.020). Of the temporary filters, retrieval success was greater for the Celect filters (93.5%) and Eclipse/Denali filters (93.8%) than for the Option filters (78.4%; P=.002). No procedural IVC ruptures, morbidity, or mortality occurred during the retrieval attempts or within the first 30 days after the procedure. Ten of the filters (3.5%) had a history of filter thrombosis; however, this was not associated with increased retrieval failure (P=.70).


Most of the filters had been placed at our institution (n=227; 76.9%), with the remainder placed at an outside hospital (n=68; 23.1%). The indication for filter placement included a contraindication to anticoagulation (n=100; 34%), bridging for surgery (n=76; 26%), bleeding during anticoagulation therapy (n=41; 24%), clot propagation despite anticoagulation therapy (n=12; 4.1%), prophylaxis for DVT thrombectomy or thrombolysis (n=8; 2.7%), prophylaxis after trauma (n=5; 1.7%), free-floating thrombus in the IVC, iliac vein, or femoral vein (n=4; 1.4%), PE with a limited cardiac reserve (n=3; 1.0%), anticoagulation noncompliance (n=2; 0.7%), and placement despite the lack of a clear indication (n=10; 3.4%). The indication for placement could not be obtained for a subset of the patients whose filter had been placed at an outside hospital (n=34; 12%).

大部分滤器在我们中心放置的(n=227;76.9%),其余的在外部医院放置的(n=68;23.1%)。滤器放置的适应症包括抗凝禁忌症(n= 100;34%)、等待手术(n=76;26%)、抗凝治疗期间出血(n=4 41;24%)、抗凝治疗后血栓仍进展(n =12;4.1%),预防血栓清除或导管溶栓后复发(n=8;2.7%),创伤后预防血栓(n=5;1.7%),腔静脉漂浮血栓、髂静脉或股静脉(n=4;1.4%),肺栓塞并且心功能差(n=3;1%),抗凝不依从(n=2;0.7%);无明确适应症(n=10;3.4%)。滤器于院外放置且无法获得放置指征的(n=34;12%)。


表1. 滤器回收成功的人口统计学预测因素

The median filter dwell time was 196 days for the filters successfully retrieved and 375 days for the filters with failed retrieval attempts (P=.004; Fig 4). The median dwell time for the permanent filters was 3605 days compared with 196 days for the temporary filters (P < .001). Filters with both hook and collar penetrating through the caval wall had had statistically significantly longer dwell times than filters with the intraluminal hook and collar and filters with only the hook penetrating through the caval wall (P < .001). Filters with an intraluminal hook and collar through the caval wall had an average dwell time of 231 days. Filters with the hook through the caval wall had an average dwell time of 287 days. Filters with both the hook and the collar through the caval wall had an average dwell time of 591 days.

对于成功取出的滤器,中位滤器体内停留时间为196天,对于取出尝试失败的滤器,中位滤器体内停留时间为375天(p=.004; Fig 4)。永久滤器的中位体内停留时间为3605天,而临时滤器的中位体内停留时间为196天(P<.001)。滤器取出钩和衣领部穿透管腔壁的体内停留时间明显长于回收钩和衣领部仅进入腔静脉壁的滤器和仅回收钩穿透管腔壁的滤器(P<.001)。回收钩和衣领部进入管腔壁的滤器平均体内停留时间为231天,回收钩穿透管腔壁的滤器平均体内停留时间为287天,回收钩和衣领部同时穿透管腔壁的滤器平均体内停留时间为591天。

Table II.jpg


Penetration of the filter tines through the caval wall occurred in 291 of the filters (98.6%; Table IV). The HA of 31 filters (10.5%) were embedded or penetrating through the caval wall, and the HA+C of 33 (11.2%) were embedded or had penetrated through the caval wall. The failure rate for the retrieval of filters with the HA embedded was 48.4% (15 of 31), that with the HA+C embedded was 66.7% (22 of 33), and that for filters without these issues was 3.9% (9 of 231). The failure rate of both filters with the HA embedded and those with the HA+C embedded was greater than that of those without these issues (P < .001). However, the failure rates between the two did not differ from one another (P=.14; Fig 5). We found a total of six filters in the present study that had fractured and had left ≥1 tine behind after retrieval. Of these six filters, three had been permanent and three temporary. Neither the size of the retrieval sheath (P=.45) nor the use of the coaxial sheaths (P=.65) for filter removal was associated with increased retrieval failure.

291个滤器(98.6%;表IV)的滤齿穿过腔壁。31个滤过器(10.5%)的HA嵌入或穿透腔壁,33个(11.2%)的HA+C嵌入或穿透腔壁。HA嵌入管腔壁回收失败率为48.4%(15/31),HA+C嵌入失败率为66.7%(22/33),无以上问题者为3.9%(9/231)。HA和HA+C嵌入的滤器的回收失败率均高于无此问题者(P<0.001)。然而,两者之间(HA VS HA+C)的回收失败率并没有差异(P=.14;图5)。在本研究中,我们一共发现了6个滤器断裂,在滤器取出后至少有1个残余结构遗留体内。在这6个滤器中,3个是永久性的,3个是临时性的。回收鞘的大小(p=.45)和是否使用同轴系统(P=. 65)和回收失败率增加无关。

Table III.jpg

表III. 回收成功的滤器相关预测因素

CT scans of the abdomen before filter retrieval was available for 157 patients (47%). Of these patients, filter tines or hooks were associated with the following structures: bowel (n=50; 32%), spine (n=17; 11%), aorta (n=11; 7%), psoas major muscle (n=6; 3.8%), renal vein (n=5; 3.2%), liver (n=4; 2.5%), heart (n=3; 1.9%), lung (n=2; 1.3%), and pulmonary artery (n=1; 0.6%). Among those with CT scans available, the association of any portion of the filter with other adjacent structures was not related to an increased rate of failed retrieval (P=.16; Table IV). However, six patients had had ≥1 filter tine left behind after retrieval because of filter fracture that had occurred before retrieval. Complex retrieval methods involving endobronchial forceps, ballooning, or snaring the collar of the filter was associated with increased failure rates compared with simple retrieval involving snaring the hook of the filter (P < .001).



图4. 尝试回收前滤器体内停留时间

Before filter retrieval, most patients had had a relatively patent IVC. IVC stenosis of<50% 274="" was="" present="" in="" patients="" ivc="" stenosis="" of="">50% was present in 19 patients (6%), and IVC occlusion was seen in 1 patient (0.3%). Stenosis of >50% or complete occlusion was associated with increased failure of retrieval compared with stenosis of<50% (P=.013; Table IV).


Table IV.jpg


The retrieval failure rates had decreased over time (P=.004), suggesting a learning curve was involved with the retrieval process (Fig 6). Of the patients with failed retrieval attempts, 8% had experienced subsequent venous thromboembolism within the first 2 years after the retrieval attempt. Of these patients, two had experienced PE, but that was unrelated to the filter retrieval attempt or the continued presence of the original DVT. Of the 46 filters that were not successfully retrieved, a second retrieval was later attempted for eight (17%), six of which were successful. Any second attempts at filter retrieval were not included within our data analyses in the present study. One patient within our cohort had required open surgical removal of the IVC filter. This patient’s filter had formed a fistula into the duodenum, resulting in anorexia and postprandial pain that necessitated filter retrieval.



IVC filters have long been a method of preventing PE in patients with a contraindication to anticoagulation or other factors that confer a high risk of venous thromboembolism. In general, filters have been considered a relatively safe device compared with the potentially devastating morbidity and mortality associated with PE. However, filters are not without risk, especially because of the tendency to leave filters in place long past the point at which they should have been retrieved. A systematic review of 37 studies and 6834 retrievable IVC filters demonstrated an average filter retrieval rate of merely 37%, with most filter-related complications occurring >30 days after placement.



图5. 按滤器位置分层的回收失败率。HA,钩/顶点;HA+C,钩/顶点和滤器衣领部

The overall effectiveness of IVC filters in reducing morbidity and mortality has continued to be debated. Filters have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of PE but have also been associated with an increased risk of proximal DVT.2,11,12Studies of filter effectiveness are lacking, partially owing to the question of equipoise in conducting such studies. However, current evidence has suggested that the overall morbidity and mortality might not be significantly affected by the use of IVC filters.


No significant complications or patient morbidity were associated with any of the 295 filter retrieval attempts in the present study, suggesting that this procedure is safe and should be attempted for any patient with an IVC filter that is no longer needed. Although the risks associated with a long filter dwell time are low, the risks in attempting retrieval appear to be minimal. Thus, it would be prudent to attempt retrieval for all patients once the filter is no longer needed. Although permanent filters are designed to be left within the patient indefinitely, 13 retrievals were attempted for permanent filters within our cohort. The decision to remove these filters was at the discretion of the surgeon and retrieval had generally been attempted because the patient no longer had any indication for the filter to remain in place. Complex filter retrieval techniques included snaring the collar of the filter instead of the hook, using endobronchial forceps to grasp the filter, and ballooning the filter away from the caval wall. These techniques were often used during the more difficult filter retrieval attempts, once simple retrieval by snaring the hook of the filter had failed.



图6. 按年份分层的滤器回收失败率

Tine penetration through the caval wall was nearly ubiquitous within our patient cohort and, thus, could not be used as a predictor of filter retrieval failure. However, the position of the hook/apex and collar relative to the caval wall can be very useful in predicting whether filter retrieval will be successful. Association of the filter hook/apex itself or the filter hook/apex and collar with the caval wall has been significantly associated statistically with an increased rate of retrieval failure and, thus, can be used as a predictive factor when assessing the likelihood of procedural success. Association of any aspect of the filter with nearby structures, including the bowel, liver, and spine, was not associated with an increased rate of retrieval failure.


A total of 10 patients (3.4%) in the present study had had a filter placed despite the lack of a clear indication for placement, such as a contraindication to anticoagulation therapy. Filter placement outside the recommended indications has also been demonstrated in other studies.13Although this trend accounted for only a small portion of our patient cohort, it is still concerning, because filters should not be placed without a clear indication. Care should be taken when assessing patients for the possibility of filter placement, and filters should only be placed when the potential benefits outweigh the possible risks.


In recent years, placement of IVC filters has appeared to be decreasing modestly, although the rate of IVC filter retrieval attempts has been increasing yet has remained low. Imperative to the goal of decreasing IVC filter complications is the need for improved rates of retrieval, because most complications have occurred in filters that have remained indwelling longer than would be ideal. The retrieval rates might be improved through implementation of a multidisciplinary protocol, which has previously been demonstrated at another institution.


Our study was limited by the inherent nature of retrospective reviews. Some data were limited for collection, especially because a subset of patients had had their filter placed at an outside institution. The approach to the evaluation and technique was developed throughout the study period. Additionally, we performed a single-institution study, potentially limiting the ability to generalize the results to the population at large. We also had a low number of permanent filters compared with those designed to be temporary to study the differences between these groups. Additionally, our institution likely treats a skewed number of patients with malpositioned filters and long filter dwell times. We also did not include filter tilt in our analysis, although previous studies have suggested that filter tilt might have a significant effect on filter retrieval success. Future directions could include implementation of a filter retrieval protocol to ensure that the device will be removed as soon as it is no longer medically indicated. Such a protocol would be a relatively simple method to decrease the complications associated with IVC filters and has been supported by the results of the present study, which indicated that retrieval should be attempted for all filters, given the demonstrated procedural safety.



The results of the present study have suggested that retrieval should be attempted for all IVC filters, irrespective of the chronicity and complexity, given the procedural safety. In our study, tine penetration was nearly ubiquitous. However, IVC filters with the HA or HAtC imbedded into or penetrating through the caval wall are predictors of retrieval failure. Obtaining a preoperative CT scan can be helpful in assessing the difficulty or complexity of retrieval. Improved rates of filter retrieval should be attempted to decrease the risks associated with prolonged filter dwell times. We encourage the use of IVC filter retrieval protocols as a relatively simple method to limit the filter dwell times.



Conception and design: KM, JB, SL, EP, CS

Analysis and interpretation: KM, JB, CS

Data collection: KM

Writing the article: KM Critical revision of the article: KM, JB, SL, EP, CS

Final approval of the article: KM, JB, SL, EP, CS

Statistical analysis: JB

Obtained funding: Not applicable

Overall responsibility: KM



