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超声引导下的髋关节注射———北京大学人民医院多学科诊治经验:2019年超声技术学Arthrosc Tech杂志:超声引导下的髋关节内穿刺注射:Nashville声像
作者;Elizabeth A Bardowski, J W Thomas Byrd
作者单位:美国田纳西州纳什维尔 Nashville髋关节研究所
Fig 1. Injection procedure supplies (germicidal disposable cloth wipe, sterile gloves, ethyl chloride spray, bandage, lollipop [optional]).
图 1. 注射所需用品(一次性无菌巾单、无菌手套、氯乙烷喷雾剂、绷带、棒棒糖 [可选])。
Fig 2. Sterile tray containing procedure supplies (1.5-inch, 18-gauge needle; sterile 10-cc syringe; 3.5-inch, 22-gauge beveled spinal needle; chlorhexidine swab; sterile ultrasound gel packet; sterile 4 x 4 gauze pad).
图 2. 装有手术用品的无菌托盘(1.5 英寸、18 号针头;无菌 10 毫升注射器;3.5 英寸、22 号斜面脊椎针头;洗必泰拭子;无菌超声凝胶包;无菌 4x4 纱布垫)。
Fig 3. Typical medication used for diagnostic and therapeutic injections (1% lidocaine hydrochloride; 0.25% bupivacaine hydrochloride; methylprednisone acetate, 40 mg). For a diagnostic injection, 3 cc of 1% lidocaine and 4 cc of 0.25% bupivacaine are injected. For a therapeutic injection, 2 cc of 1% lidocaine, 4 cc of 0.25% bupivacaine, and 1 cc (40 mg) of methylprednisone are injected.
图 3. 用于诊断和治疗注射的经典药物(1% 盐酸利多卡因;0.25% 盐酸布比卡因;醋酸甲泼尼松,40 毫克)。对于诊断注射,注射 3 毫升 1% 利多卡因和 4 毫升 0.25% 布比卡因。对于治疗性注射,注射 2 毫升 1% 利多卡因、4 毫升 0.25% 布比卡因和 1 毫升(40 毫克)醋酸甲泼尼松。
Fig 4. (A) Visualization of this right hip is performed by placing the curvilinear transducer firmly over the area of the femoral headeneck junction in the long axis view and slightly oblique. A slightly oblique angle to the transducer allows a more lateral entry site for the needle into the joint capsule and increases the distance between the needle and the femoral neurovascular structures anterior to the hip. The skin has been sterilely prepared, and sterile gel is used. Before the injection, a scan should be performed to visualize the location of the neurovascular bundle. (B) Ultrasound image of anterior right hip joint with transducer positioned over femoral head/neck junction as described earlier.
图 4. (A) 在长轴视图中,通过将曲线探头牢固地放置在股骨头颈交界处的区域上并略微倾斜,可以显示该右髋。与探头略微倾斜的角度允许针进入关节囊的更多侧向进入位置,并增加针与髋部前方的股骨神经血管结构之间的距离。皮肤已无菌制备,并使用无菌凝胶。注射前,应进行扫描以可视化神经血管束的位置。 (B)右侧髋关节前方的超声图像,探头位于股骨头/颈部交界处,如前所述。
Fig 5. (A) The needle is inserted in plane with the transducer, which allows visualization of the needle throughout the course of its advancement to the capsule. (B) The needle can be seen entering the right hip joint capsule at the femoral headeneck junction.
图 5. (A) 针头与探头一起插入在平面内,这样可以在针头进入髋关节囊的整个过程中对其进行可视化操作。(B) 可以看到针头在股骨头颈交界处进入右侧髋关节囊。
Fig 6. (A) The transducer remains in the same plane throughout the injection. (B) The medication can be visualized entering the right hip joint capsule.
图 6. (A) 探头在整个注射过程中保持在同一平面。(B) 可以看到药物进入右侧髋关节囊。
?辅助检查:髋关节X线片+核磁共振MRI:髋关节退行性骨关节炎(轻度,Tonnis I级-早中期),盂唇损伤(核磁共振检查未报,阅片得出)
图1? 彩超检查确诊髋臼盂唇损伤
图2? 超声引导下将药物注射进入股骨颈处(平面内法)
Ultrasound-Guided Intra-Articular Injection of the Hip: The Nashville Sound.
?Nashville Hip Institute, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection has become a mainstay in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of hip disorders. It is the single greatest adjunct to history and examination in the clinical assessment of hip problems and has substantial therapeutic value in the conservative management of symptomatic disorders, especially when used in conjunction with supervised physical therapy.
文献出处:?Elizabeth A Bardowski, J W Thomas Byrd. Ultrasound-Guided Intra-Articular Injection of the Hip: The Nashville Sound. Arthrosc Tech. 2019 Mar 11;8(4):e383-e388. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2018.11.016. eCollection 2019 Apr.
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