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髌腱病(髌腱炎):诊断和治疗新进展:2016年美国骨科医师协会杂志J Am Acad Orthop Surg

作者:David Figueroa, Francisco Figueroa, Rafael Calvo.

作者单位: the Knee Unit, Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile.









Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee): 髌腱炎(跳高者膝,蹲走者膝)

Front view: 前面观

lateral view: 侧面观

quadriceps tenden: 股四头肌腱

patella: 髌骨

most common site for patellar tendonitis: 髌腱炎最常见的部位(红色区域标记的位置)

Patellar tendon: 髌腱

Physical therapy exercises for Patellar tendonitis: 髌腱炎的物理治疗练习

Quad isometric : 股四头肌等距锻炼,即:股四头肌腱收缩,小腿向前而非向上伸展。

eccentric exercises: 偏心练习,即:单腿负重站立,另一侧下肢伸直,做蹲起练习。

knee extension: 膝关节伸展练习,即:双脚踝缠绕弹力带,一侧下肢做向前伸展/伸膝动作。

plyometric exercises: 增强式练习,即:屈髋屈膝90度下蹲,脚尖着地,做向上弹跳练习。




Patellar Tendinopathy: Diagnosis and Treatment


Patellar tendinopathy is a common cause of pain in athletes‘ knees. Historically, it has been related to jumping sports, such as volleyball and basketball. Repetitive jumping generates a considerable load of energy in the extensor mechanism, leading to symptoms. The main pathophysiologic phenomenon in patellar tendinopathy is tendinosis, which is a degenerative disorder rather than an inflammatory disorder; therefore, the other popular term for this disease, tendinitis, is not appropriate. The nonsurgical treatment of patellar tendinopathy is focused on eccentric exercises and often has good results. Other experimental options, with variable levels of evidence, are available for recalcitrant cases. Surgical treatment is indicated for cases that are refractory to nonsurgical treatment. Open or arthroscopic surgery can be performed; the two methods are comparable, but arthroscopic surgery results in a faster recovery time.



A, Histologic specimen of a patellar tendon showing connective tissue with increased cellularity and stromal mucoid degeneration (diamond; hematoxylineosin stain, magnification×200). B, Histologic specimen showing areas of vascular proliferation (arrows; hematoxylin-eosin stain, magnification×400). (Courtesy of Mauricio Oyarzo, MD, Santiago, Chile.)

A,髌腱组织学标本显示结缔组织细胞增多和间质粘液变性(菱形;苏木精染色,放大倍数×200)。B,显示血管增生区域的组织学标本(箭头;苏木精-伊红染色,放大倍数×400)。(由智利圣地亚哥医学博士Mauricio Oyarzo提供。)


Clinical photograph demonstrating the decline squat test.



Sonogram showing zones of lower echogenicity (arrow), typically in the posterior portion of the patellar tendon adjacent to the inferior pole of the patella.



Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image showing increased signal in the posterior region of the proximal patellar tendon and the inferior pole of the patella, with tendon thickening (arrow).



表格1 髌腱病的严重程度分类15

分级 描述

I级 只在运动后疼痛

II级 运动开始时疼痛,热身后消失,疲劳时再次出现

III级 休息和活动时持续疼痛

IV级 髌腱完全断裂


表2 髌腱病的鉴别诊断







Intraoperative photograph depicting the open surgical technique. The inferior pole of the patella is perforated using a drill to produce a bleeding bed that promotes repair.



Arthroscopic view showing the inferior pole of the patella after the débridement of degenerative tissue.


Nonsurgical Treatment


Eccentric Exercises

Eccentric exercises have been proposed to increase the remodeling process of the collagen fibers in the patellar tendon. This process causes the musculoskeletal unit to adapt to protect itself from the stress related to physical activity. Excellent results have been reported in athletes and nonathletic patients. Findings suggest that eccentric exercises have positive effects with no adverse reactions.16 A recent systematic review concluded that eccentric exercises are the only treatment of patellar tendinopathy that has the support of high-level evidence.17 Therefore, we advocate the use of eccentric exercises as the initial treatment for most patients with patellar tendinopathy, especially when the disorder is in the early stages.



Several different types of eccentric patellar tendon loading exercises are available. In a systematic review, Visnes and Bahr18 concluded that the ability to specify which protocol component is responsible for the positive effects in patellar tendinopathy is limited. The available studies, which are small and of variable quality, indicate that the treatment program should include a decline board, should be performed with some level of discomfort, and should include the removal of athletes from sports activity.19-25

有几种不同类型的偏心髌腱负荷练习可供选择。在一项系统评价中,Visnes和Bahr 18得出结论,指定哪个方案组成条目对髌腱病产生积极影响的能力有限。现有的研究规模小且质量参差不齐,表明治疗计划应包括倾斜木板,应在一定程度不适感的情况下进行,并应包括将运动员从体育活动中移除。19-25

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy


The utility of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) for patellar tendinopathy is based on three theories. 26 The first theory is that pain relief is achieved by hyperstimulation analgesia, in which overstimulation of the painful area leads to a diminished transmission of signals to the brain stem. A second theory presumes that the mechanical load developed by ESWT stimulates tissue regeneration. The third theory asserts that ESWT destroys calcifications in tendons in the same way that lithotripsy destroys kidney stones. Today, ESWT is debated as a treatment option for patellar tendinopathy, although a recent systematic review concluded that it is a safe and promising treatment.27


Wang et al28 conducted a randomized study that compared ESWT with physical therapy and NSAIDs and found substantial differences in pain, Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment scores, range of motion, functional improvement, overall outcomes, and sonographic vascularity during follow-up that favored the ESWT group. Another, more recent prospective randomized study did not find any benefit for using ESWT, however.29 Given the controversial evidence, more controlled studies are necessary before ESWT can be recommended, and it remains an experimental treatment for patellar tendinopathy.






We do not recommend steroid injections for the treatment of patellar tendinopathy. Three randomized studies failed to demonstrate long term relief with the use of steroid injections, which pose a potential risk of tendon rupture.30-32 In a randomized study of placebo versus steroid injection, Fredberg et al30 concluded that a steroid injection can normalize the lesions in patellar tendons that are found on ultrasonography and can have dramatic clinical effects over a short-term period, but have no effect in a 4-week to 6-month follow-up period.


Kongsgaard et al31 conducted a randomized study comparing steroid injections, eccentric training, and heavy slow resistance training for patellar tendinopathy. They concluded that all the therapies studied have good short-term effects; however, at long-term follow-up, only the eccentric training and resistance groups maintained the effects, with steroid injections having no beneficial effects at 6-month follow-up. Capasso et al32 compared the efficacy of steroids with aprotinin versus training protocols for management of patellar tendinopathy in athletes. The authors found that steroid treatment resulted in short-term improvement, but that improvement deteriorated by the 6-month follow-up.


Platelet-rich Plasma


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is thought to be capable of enhancing tissue repair because of its high concentration of growth factors. A recent systematic review showed that studies comparing PRP with other treatments had inconsistent results and that none of the studies showed marked differences between PRP and other treatments.33 Therefore, PRP is a promising therapy, but controlled studies are necessary to determine its true efficacy.


In a recent systematic review, Jeong et al34 reported that PRP seems to have a positive effect in treating patellar tendinopathy, but the available evidence is of low quality and, thus, this finding is not definitive. Furthermore, no standard protocol for obtaining PRP exists and the number of injections needed is variable. Some evidence shows that multiple injections are better than one injection, however.35,36 In contrast, Kaux et al37 found no benefit for successive injections compared with a single injection. Given the inconsistent results and the lack of uniform protocols for treatment of patellar tendinopathy with PRP, this treatment should be considered investigational.


Cell-based Therapies


Limited data are available on the use of cell-based therapies for patellar tendinopathy. It is theorized that the addition of stem cells could improve the speed and quality of the repair process and autocrine and paracrine factors could enhance tissue healing and remodeling. Much of the research in this area involves nonrandomized cases studies or series and animal models of the disease.38


Pascual-Garrido et al39 conducted a study in which eight patients with patellar tendinopathy in whom nonsurgical treatments had failed were injected with mononuclear bone marrow cells. At 5-year follow-up, seven patients stated that they were satisfied with the procedure and that they would be willing to undergo the same procedure again if the disease developed in the contralateral knee.


Clarke et al40 injected skin-derived tenocyte-like cells in 33 knees in a prospective randomized study of patients in whom nonsurgical treatments had failed. Faster and greater improvement in pain and function were observed in the group treated with the cells. Cell-based therapies for management of patellar tendinopathy are promising, but more evidence is needed to recommend them. Their use remains experimental, and patients being offered such treatments must be counseled regarding this experimental status.


Hyaluronic Acid


High–molecular-weight hyaluronic acid has been reported to have an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to promoting tendon healing at the bone-tendon interface and tissue regeneration.41 In a recent level IV study of 50 patients with patellar tendinopathy that did not respond to a minimum 2-month course of nonsurgical treatment, a mean of two injections of hyaluronic acid had positive effects on recovery.41 High quality evidence regarding this treatment is still lacking. More studies are needed to determine the efficacy of this treatment option, which remains at an investigational stage.


Sclerosing Agents


Neovascularization is a phenomenon that is considered relevant in the pathophysiology of patellar tendinopathy, and it is present in 60% to 80%ofpatientswithpain.7 Therefore, sclerosing agents are used to inhibit vessel formation, collapse vessels that have already formed, and destroy the accompanying vasa nervorum, which has a denervating effect.


In a level IV study, Alfredson and Ohberg42 reported a considerable reduction in pain during activity following an ultrasound-guided injection of a sclerosing agent (5 mg/mL polidocanol) to the paratenon, which indicates that sclerosing agents have the potential to manage pain. Hoksrud et al43 administered an ultrasound-guided injection of polidocanol (10 mg/mL) to the paratenon in patients with painful chronic patellar tendinopathy and found a substantial difference in the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-P score in the group treated with a sclerosing agent versus a placebo. However, in a subsequent study of the same group with a longer follow-up (44 months), more than one third of the group treated with sclerosing agents underwent surgery for pain.44 Therefore, the usefulness of sclerosing agents remains unclear, and the agents still are at an experimental stage.

在一项IV级研究中,Alfredson和Ohberg 42报告称,在超声引导下将硬化剂(5 mg/mL聚多卡醇)注射到肌腱组织旁后,活动期间的疼痛显着减轻,这表明硬化剂具有控制疼痛的潜力。Hoksrud等43对患有疼痛性慢性髌腱病患者的腱旁进行了超声引导下的聚多卡醇(10 mg/mL)注射,发现在使用硬化剂治疗的组中,维多利亚运动评估研究所的P评分存在显着差异与安慰剂相比。然而,在随后对同一组进行更长随访(44个月)的研究中,超过三分之一的硬化剂治疗组接受了疼痛手术。44因此,硬化剂的效用仍不清楚,并且代理仍处于试验阶段。

Other Injections


Various other injections have been studied for the treatment of patellar tendinopathy. Aprotinin, autologous blood, dry injections, and high volume injections all have been used; however, studies of these treatment options are of low quality and the effects of these treatments remain unclear. Therefore, at this time, it is impossible to recommend their use for management of patellar tendinopathy. Thus, they remain experimental treatments.45


Additional Treatments


Various other treatments have been examined in level I studies. Glyceryl trinitrate delivers nitric oxide, which has exhibited a role in fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, and the contraction of collagen lattices. Macrophage angiogenic activity, which is important for wound healing, also depends on nitric oxide synthase, and nitric oxide synthase activity is upregulated in tendinopathy.46 Based on the positive effects of glyceryl trinitrate reported in three studies of other types of tendinopathy, 47-49 Steunebrink et al46 conducted a randomized study of patients with patellar tendinopathy comparing the use of a glyceryl trinitrate patch with that of a placebo patch. The authors did not find any difference in outcome between the two groups.

在I级研究中已经检查了各种其他治疗方法。三硝酸甘油酯提供一氧化氮,它在成纤维细胞增殖、胶原蛋白合成和胶原蛋白晶格收缩中发挥作用。对伤口愈合很重要的巨噬细胞血管生成活性也取决于一氧化氮合酶,而一氧化氮合酶活性在肌腱病中上调。46基于其他类型肌腱病的三项研究中报告的三硝酸甘油酯的积极作用,47-49 Steunebrink等46对髌腱病患者进行了一项随机研究,比较了使用硝酸甘油贴片和安慰剂贴片的情况。作者没有发现两组之间的结果有任何差异。

Low-intensity pulsed ultrasonography can stimulate in vitro collagen production from fibroblasts and may increase mechanical strength following the repair of acute tendon injuries. Stasinopoulos and Stasinopoulos21 and Warden et al50 each conducted a randomized study on the effectiveness of low-intensity pulsed ultrasonography and found that this modality provided no benefit compared with eccentric exercises for management of patellar tendinopathy. These findings are supported by an earlier study by Giombini et al51 that showed that hyperthermia was more effective than lowintensity pulsed ultrasonography for the treatment of patellar tendinopathy. All these modalities remain at an investigational stage and are not recommended for management of patellar tendinopathy.

低强度脉冲超声可以刺激成纤维细胞在体外产生胶原蛋白,并可以增加急性肌腱损伤修复后的机械强度。Stasinopoulos和Stasinopoulos 21以及Warden等50各自对低强度脉冲超声检查的有效性进行了一项随机研究,发现与偏心锻炼相比,这种方式在治疗髌腱病方面没有任何益处。这些发现得到Giombini等早期研究的支持51,该研究表明热疗比低强度脉冲超声治疗髌腱病更有效。所有这些方式仍处于研究阶段,不推荐用于治疗髌腱病。

Surgical Treatment


Although nonsurgical treatment is successful in most patients with patellar tendinopathy, approximately 10% of all patients do not respond to it and eventually require surgery.52 Several surgical techniques have been described, including open surgery and arthroscopic surgery.53 The goals of these techniques are tenotomy of the patellar tendon, excision of abnormal tissue, and induction of the repair process through stimulation of the inferior pole of the patella by drilling and marginal resection.


Open Surgery


A longitudinal incision is made from the inferior pole of the patella to the tibial tubercle. The paratenon is exposed and opened longitudinally to expose the patellar tendon. Through a longitudinal incision into the tendon, the posterior degenerative tissue is approached and débrided. The distal 5 mm of the patella are resected using a saw blade. Then, the inferior pole of the patella is perforated using a drill to produce a bleeding bed that promotes repair (Figure 5). Finally, the tendon and paratenon are closed with resorbable sutures.

从髌骨下极到胫骨结节做一个纵向切口。腱旁暴露并纵向打开以暴露髌腱。通过肌腱的纵向切口,接近并清除后部退行性组织。使用锯片切除髌骨远端5 mm。然后,使用钻头对髌骨下极进行穿孔,以形成促进修复的出血床(图 5)。最后,用可吸收缝线闭合肌腱和腱旁。

Arthroscopic Surgery


The procedure starts with diagnostic arthroscopy to rule out intra-articular pathology. It is of particular importance to rule out patellar chondral lesions, which frequently are associated with patellar tendinopathy. The inferior pole of the patella is identified, and the adjacent synovial tissue is resected, exposing the degenerative tissue in the posterior zone of the proximal patellar tendon, which is resected until normal tendon fibers are observed (Figure 6). The distal 5 mm of the patella are resected using a burr. Finally, hemostasis is achieved, and articular lavage is performed.

该程序从诊断性关节镜检查开始,以排除关节内病变。排除经常与髌腱病变相关的髌骨软骨病变尤为重要。识别髌骨下极,切除邻近的滑膜组织,暴露髌骨近端肌腱后区的退变组织,直至观察到正常肌腱纤维(图6)。使用钻头切除髌骨远端5 mm。最后,实现止血,并进行关节灌洗。

We use the same rehabilitation protocol for open and arthroscopic surgery, consisting of full weight bearing and free range of motion as tolerated. When the wounds are healed at approximately 10 days postoperatively, the patients start a rehabilitation program that consists of pain management, the initiation of eccentric squats on an inclined board, and a strengthening program. Patients are allowed to return to sport when they have completed at least 3 months of supervised rehabilitation and are pain free during strengthening exercises.




Comparable results for open and arthroscopic surgery have been described in the literature. A recent systematic review reported that the mean rate of success for surgical treatment of patellar tendinopathy is 87% for open treatment and 91% for arthroscopic treatment.54 In the studies reviewed, the mean time to return to sports was 3.9 months for arthroscopic treatment and 8.3 months for open treatment. The average rate of return to sporting activities was 82.3% after arthroscopic surgery and 78.4% after open surgery.54 In patients who underwent open surgery with the resection of the inferior pole of the patella, clinical scores were better than in those who underwent the procedure without resection. However, no difference was observed in the rate of return to sport, and the time to return to sport was longer for the group treated with bony patellar resection. In patients treated with arthroscopic surgery, those who had resection of the inferior pole of the patella had better rates of return to sports than did those without resection of the inferior patellar pole, but there was no difference in clinical scores or the time to return to sports between the two groups.


No clear guidelines exist for the use of one technique over another. However, given that arthroscopic treatment has results comparable to those of open surgery but yields a faster return to sport, we recommend arthroscopic treatment of patellar tendinopathy as long as the surgeon has experience using this technique.




Historically, patellar tendinopathy has been associated with jumping sports. The main pathophysiologic phenomenon of patellar tendinopathy is tendinosis, which is a degenerative disorder rather than an inflammatory disorder. Therefore, the popular term for this disease, tendinitis, is not appropriate. Nonsurgical treatment primarily consists of eccentric exercises, which often have good results. If a patient does not respond to these exercises in a 4- to 6-month period, other nonsurgical options may be attempted, but all of these options are in experimental stages. ESWT and injections of PRP or other agents are promising treatments, but more evidence is required before they can be recommended. For cases refractory to nonsurgical treatment, surgery is indicated and can be performed open or arthroscopically. The two methods are comparable, but arthroscopic treatment results in a faster return to sport.


文献出处:David Figueroa, Francisco Figueroa, Rafael Calvo. Patellar Tendinopathy: Diagnosis and Treatment. Review, J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2016 Dec;24(12):e184-e192. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-15-00703.

图片来源Google images。


