





发表者:周继红 人已读

近视手术在英国是一种最常见的选择性手术,每年都有上百万的人士通过激光近视手术改善生活,就连英国的万人迷威廉王子也通过近视手术步入军营。近日,英国的权威报纸《泰晤士报》报道了激光近视手术的好处。近视手术的以下好处,你都了解吗? 万人迷威廉王子通过近视手术步入军营 For many people, wearing contact lenses or glasses has become a daily routine. Many of these people, if they had the choice, would opt to be free of this dependence and have their vision restored to normal. This can be advantageous not only for professions where wearing glasses or lenses is not practical, but also for aesthetic purposes i.e. people who do not like wearing glasses. It also removes the worry of having to carry spare sets of glasses and contact lenses, should any get lost or broken. 对很多人来说,戴眼镜或隐形眼镜已成为日常工作。这些人,如果可以选择,他们一定会想要摆脱眼镜,恢复视力。不喜欢戴眼镜,不止是从实际角度来说戴眼镜不方便,也有审美的因素。此外,也不想再担心眼镜会丢失或者损坏,或者需要带备用的眼镜。 Many people find that their vision returns quickly following laser correction and they feel more confident, have higher self esteem and also have better career opportunities. Many even take up new sports and hobbies they felt would have been unsuitable for people wearing glasses or lenses. For some people laser eye surgery improves their social life, as they are no longer worried about low light situations or feeling they are ‘hiding behind their glasses’. It is also common that patients experience better vision than they ever had, even with corrective eye wear. 许多人发现当他们通过激光手术恢复视力的时候,他们感觉更加自信,自尊得到提升并且有更多的就业机会。许多人甚至可以参加新的体育运动和爱好是他们戴眼镜或隐性眼镜时想都不敢想的。对一些人来说,激光手术不仅有利于他们的日常生活,也使他们不再对光线不足而感到担心或者让别人认为他们是藏在镜片背后的人。同时,他们拥有了更清晰的视力,甚至是矫正前的视力水平。 You may have been wearing glasses for a few years, or for all your life, it makes no difference when it comes to deciding to have laser vision correction. Whether you want better eye sight for cosmetic purposes or for your occupation, laser eye surgery is suitable for nearly everyone with very few exclusions. The first step is ensuring that you understand what the procedure entails, how much it will cost and what any possible side effects or complications are. All the information you will need to decide on whether to have the procedure is covered in this centre, including what happens in the initial consultation, your first step in having laser vision correction. Even if you live in the middle of nowhere, there are clinics all over the country that offer the procedure, many even give you 0% finance for a period of 2 years, helping to make the cost of the procedure more manageable. If you have ever wondered how life would be without wearing glasses or having the irritation of planning your day around your contact lenses, laser vision correction could be right for you. The operation has been being performed for a number of years now and is considered safe by all the medical governing bodies. The surgeon who performs your procedure should have done the procedure many times before, this is information you should find out before you agree to have the procedure. Further questions you should consider asking are covered later on in this guide. 激光手术已经存在了很多年了,现在是被政府医疗机构承认的安全手术。手术医生也拥有丰富的手术经验。 The operation itself is very quick and painless, as you will be given anaesthetic eye drops to help numb you eye. When you begin to compare how much money you have spent on contact lenses and glasses over the past few years and how much you wear them, to laser vision correction, it seems that the operation is a very good idea. Some of the advantages can be, 手术本身是十分快速和无痛的,因为你需要用滴麻药来麻醉双眼。如果你还在考虑在以后的生活中,你需要花费多少金钱来购买眼镜或隐形眼镜时,激光手术是一个好的选择。 有以下好处: Being free from contacts and glasses Increased confidence Better performance in sport, no need to worry about lenses falling out No need to worry about lenses drying out or glasses falling off Better career prospects Easier Driving No irritation from contact lenses or clouding up of glasses Laser surgery can be less expensive in the long run 从眼镜中解脱出来 增加自信 能更好的进行运动,不必担心眼镜掉出来 不必担心隐形眼镜会干或者眼镜滑落 更好的职业前景 更有利于驾驶 不必担心隐形眼镜刺激和框架眼镜雾化 从长远来看,激光手术花费更少 If you are worried that the procedure may not be suitable for your prescription do not be. Laser eye surgeryis advocated for all the major types of eye problem, including myopia (short sight), hyperopia (long sight), astigmatism and presbyopia. Each of these conditions is amenable to treatment with a laser. Myopia or short sightedness is corrected by thinning out the corneal tissue to help you see object that are far away. Hyperopia or long sightedness can be removed by producing a greater slope to the peripheral areas of the cornea, whereas astigmatism is corrected by smoothing out the surface of the cornea. All these procedures are covered in the next few articles. 激光手术适用于主要的眼睛疾病,包括近视、远视、散光和老花眼。 GY


